Thursday, January 15, 2009

Duplicacy of UK and timidity of India

It seems UK wants terror suspects in Mumbai attack to be tried out in Pakistan. How sweet of UK to "advice" India about what to do and How obliging is India's Government by immediately stating that Pakistan should try those suspected in Terror attack. (Read here)
1. UK itself always like to try criminals in its own land when offense is committed on its land. So why not this for India
2. Does Indian government still thinks that it is part of Queen's regime to immediately oblige to "advice" of her minister.
This incidence just shows how incapable India is to bring to justice those people who have violated its security. A strong nation needs to act strongly and seeking help from US UK UN and U......... wont help, India needs to have strong policy and leverage so that we would not wait for indefinite period for justice to be done.
Officially India shuld have objected to statement from Mr Miliband, in reality we know its not possible to get criminal from Pakistan but it should not be acknowledgged officially.

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