Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rail and Obama

I read with interest the reports in news about the new economic stimulus package which states that there is large sum allocated to development of high speed rail corridors in US. This is a positive and encouraging development. In US if you have to go from one city to other air travel is the only real public transport which is obviously very expensive for all. Or you have to drive yourself. So there was always the need for encouragement of developing public transport which was apparently blocked till date by oil lobbyist for obvious reasons. But if the proposed spending on rail develops into better way to travel between two cities it will be very nice way to travel safely, cheaply and indeed a green. So all the greetings to new US president Obama for encouraging this funding. Hope this comes down even to Houston and we may not be blocking roads next time htere is threat of hurricane as with railways it will be very easy to evacuate lot many people within a short span, at least there will be a very good additional way to do that.

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